About the program

People in a work environment suffer from a variety of psychological and professional issues, which weakens the quality of performance and limits the achievement of goals and desired results.

Accordingly, and through our specialization in the field of coaching and our belief in its role in contributing to solving these types of problems, we are pleased to provide this training program

(Career improvement through coaching skills)

to support you in improving your performance on both the personal and professional levels.

Why this training program?

Through this program, we seek to introduce participants to the “coaching mentality”, and apply it to achieve:

– Communicating effectively with those around you socially and professionally.

– Ability to identify and understand problems.

– Finding and evaluating opportunities for solutions.

– Enhancing confidence in the work environment.

– Creating an environment that supports creativity and development.

– Discovering and employing capabilities and potentials.

– Building and forming work teams.

-Change management.

– Expanding the circle of influence to bring a transformation in the work environment.

Who is this training program for?